EXCA Clubs
Club | Contact | City | State | Country | Email |
Aces High Extreme Cowboy | Rosemarie Huxted 6135772055 | Dalkeith | ON | Canada | Rosemarie_huxted@hotmail.com |
Borderlands EXCA | Cassandra Potts 7159375338 | Hereford | AZ | USA | pottc3586@yahoo.com |
Bundaberg & District Extreme Cowboy Racing | Rachel Aitken | Bucca | QLD | Australia | bundabergextremecowboy@gmail.com |
Downunder Extreme Cowboys | Shane Woodall | Branxholme | VIC | Australia | downunderextremecowboys@gmail.com |
El Paso Sheriffs Posse | Bryan Diller 9154979518 | Canutillo | TX | USA | rbdi@msn.com |
EXCA of Western Europe | Kurt Verholle | Vlimmeren | BE | Belgium | ecranchbelgium@gmail.com |
Extreme Cowboy Alberta | Rick Wickland 4038524685 | Rockyview County | AB | Canada | wicklandrick@gmail.com |
Extreme Cowboy Association | Dalene Cameron 6025313383 | Bluff Dale | TX | USA | doublehornd@lipan.net |
Free Rein Foundation | Justine Makoff 7145851020 | Huntington Beach | CA | USA | justinemm@me.com |
Grass Roots Extreme Cowboy | Susan Caldwell 4165295425 | Stouffville | ON | Canada | grassrootsextremecowboy@gmail.com |
Hapisga Horse Club | Majid Haj Dawood | Um El Fahim | ISR | Israel | MSLE_1112@yahoo.com |
High Country EXCA | Elisa Grobe | Yarck | VIC | Australia | elisagrobe@yahoo.com.au |
Israel Equestrian Federation | Herve Deknuydt | Tel Aviv | ISR | Israel | hervedek@gmail.com |
Kansas Horse Mafia | Tony Saliceti 7855064070 | Topeka | KS | USA | kristinasaliceti@gmail.com |
KenInTen Extreme Racing | Laura Green Hart 2707341047 | Elizabethtown | KY | USA | lauracgreen84@gmail.com |
Maverick Hill Extreme Cowboys | Michael Raynor (650) 722-2112 | Templeton | CA | USA | michaelraynor20@gmail.com |
Ontario Xtreme Cowboy | Jamie Newton 7059301631 | Roseneath | ON | Canada | jamienewton1621@icloud.com |
Southern Cross Xtreme Cowboy Racing | Tammy Kingsman | Bauple | QLD | Australia | tammykingsman9@gmail.com |
Southern Obstacle Challenge Association | Tracy Pinson | Bushnell | FL | USA | tlpinson@aol.com |
Territory Xtreme Cowboy Racing | Cindy McIntyre | Coolalinga | AUNT | Australia | txcr@outlook.com.au |
Ultimate Horsemans Challenge | Karen Rabe | Topeka | KS | USA | krabe@ssius.net |
Xtreme Wild Rose | Teala Caton 4035973015 | Eckville | AB | Canada | xtremewildrose@gmail.com |