Redden Denise and I bought a mare that started it all. Her first colt was a black stallion named “Wrangler Baron Bar” that I started competing on. My first EXCA race was in Kansas City, MO in 2007. From there I was immediately hooked and have been involved ever since. We have raised several successful colts out of Wrangler and many of them have competed in the EXCA and have gone on to be world champions in their divisions. The Redden Ranch R4 now has a string of good mares that we are raising and selling great started colts that are making successful cowboy racing horses. I wish I had known Craig Cameron and the EXCA when Wrangler was a young horse because they have made me want to be a better horseman, not just a cowboy. I have always liked competing and going fast and when the EXCA first started, a well broke ranch horse would do very well. Today, with better horsemanship, braver horses, and more speed with control, it is getting tougher every year and that is what is so great about Craig Cameron and the EXCA. We have met a lot of great horsemen and started some forever lasting friendships since we have started in the EXCA. Thank you, Craig Cameron, for making me a better horseman and starting this thing called Extreme Cowboy Racing.