Futurity horses may be ridden by any competitor age 12 and over.
The Futurity Division is a sanctioned competition at the EXCA World Championship only.
All horses must be either 3 or 4 years old during the competition year of the World Championship in which they plan to participate.
A futurity horse must be nominated by August 1 to be accepted for the EXCA World Championship competition.
Any late nominations will require a $100 late fee at time of nomination.
Any horse nominated for the Futurity for the world show, may only compete in sanctioned EXCA events in the Green Horse class to remain eligible.
Futurity horses cannot be shown in any other Obstacle Association* in any class. Local shows or other discipline events are not considered obstacle
associations. If a futurity horse is shown in any Obstacle Association other than EXCA sanctioned events, the horse will be ineligible to compete at the
world show.
*EXCA Affiliated clubs are exempt.
Horses of any breed are accepted. Horses do not have to be registered.
The Futurity fee will be paid in installments as follows: $250.00 with the nomination form and registration papers by August 1; $100.00 by September 1
and $100.00 by October 1. Note: there is a 10 day grace period provided the postmark is no later than August 10, September 10 and October 10. Any
installment received after the grace period will have a $25.00 late fee added.
Should a futurity horse be scratched from nomination, any fees that have been paid are non-refundable but are transferable.
All exhibitors and/or owners must be current members of EXCA.
The nomination form can be found on the EXCA website and can be submitted electronically or mailed to the EXCA office.
Green Horse Division
Effective Immediately - A Division to bring along Young Horses & Futurity Horses
Green Horse Division - A Division to develop aged horses new to EXCA & Futurity Horses
Green Horse Division for horses of any age
Green horses may be ridden by any competitor age 12 or older.
The Green Horse Division shall have 10 obstacles plus overall Horsemanship and time points on the spreadsheet. Points will not be tracked by EXCA.
Point fees do not apply to this Division.
Obstacles shall be rated 1 - 6.
There will NOT be a Green Horse Division at The WORLD Finals
The Green Horse can NOT be ridden in any other Divisions
Event Producers: the current EXCA Spreadsheet does not have a Green Horse tab. Just use a separate spreadsheet, and use one of the existing tabs. Save the
file as Green Horse.xls.
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