Texan At The Ritz Texan At The Ritz (aka “Buford”” is 2007 Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion, bred, raised & trained on Tracy Pinson and Wayne Conkle’s Florida Farm, Darby Oaks Stables, in Bushnell, FL. Buford has won in almost every divisions of the EXCA and garnered titles that include 2013 and 2014 EXCA Non Pro World Champion, 2011 & 2012 EXCA Youth Reserve World Champion, 2012 & 2013 EXCA Nationals Non Pro Champion, as well as many State and Regional Championships.

 Outside of the EXCA, Buford is a Supreme Versatility Champion Tennessee Walking Horse competing in jumping, driving, reining, western riding, barrels, poles, halter, trail, dressage and many other events. He has numerous world and international titles in the TWH industry and has introduced many newcomers to the Tennessee Walking Horse breed. Buford has been a great ambassador for the EXCA and the TWH. r passion and treasures the life long friends that have been made in this sport.



