Tracy Pinson Tracy Pinson is living a life-long dream with TWH’s….to show the horse world that walking horses can be taught to do anything that other breeds can, and do it smoothly. Any time off from her career in consumer goods marketing is spent working with her horses. In addition to raising and training several Supreme Versatility Champions, Tracy’s accomplishments span over 40 years and include a host of rail and versatility titles including world and international championships in jumping, driving, reining, western riding, barrels, poles, halter, trail, dressage and many other events, as well as being a four-time Extreme Cowboy Race Non-Pro World Champion in 2009, 2012, 2013 and 2014. Tracy was inducted into the EXCA Hall of Fame in 2013 and has received the TWHBEA Pleasure Horse Ambassador Award in 2009 and 2014, the only person to receive this honor twice. Tracy is a Level 4 EXCA judge and has competed at every EXCA World Finals since 2009. She is also very proud of her Top 5 finish at the 2013 Cowboy Up Challenge at the Calgary Stampede where she had to compete against some of the top Pro riders in the business! Extreme Cowboy Racing has become her passion and treasures the life long friends that have been made in this sport.