APRIL     2012


Welcome to the Extreme Cowboy Association   

We are excited about 2012 and the many fun filled and exciting Extreme Cowboy Racing events that are on the schedule.  The formation of EXCA has been an thrilling and challenging adventure! Many people have worked tirelessly to create an association that you will be proud to tell your friends about.


This is the latest issue of your monthly newsletter, The Brave Horse.


You will receive it each month electronically around the middle of the month.  The Brave Horse will be full of interesting stories, EXCA event results, point standings, human interest stories about EXCA members and Tips and Tales from our founder, Craig Cameron.  We encourage you to communicate your suggestions for stories and ideas that will make The Brave Horse fun, better and more informative.  The Brave Horse the best newsletter in the equine world.


Please forward your ideas and suggestions to Frank Turben at




Craig mm photo

Photo By:  Marilyn Merrick

Stories From Craig Cameron


Perseverance - Riding the Tough Ones (continued)


Sage got regular sessions in the round pen.  He was not the type of horse you'd ever want to miss working on. I worked with him afoot, and I worked with him from other horses.  I desensitized, sacked out and ponied him on a regular schedule, at least once a day and sometimes three sessions per day.  This horse truly tested my patience more than any horse and most mules could.  The way young Sage bucked with me the first saddling, I knew he was an outlaw; but more importantly, I could see that he was a great athlete.  That athleticism made me determined not to quit on this horse.  I knew if I could get that athletic ability to work positively, instead of negatively, he'd be a great horse.I had a young apprentice at the time named John Ross.  John was all "cowboy" and was working hard to become a horseman.  I think you needed to be both to deal with Sage.  John and I'd take turns topping him out.  He was the kind of horse that was no fun.  Sage was dangerous.  One of us would snub and the other would ride.  It was tough going.  If you could stay on Sage, your problems were not over.  He might settle down for a while, and then break in two again.  Nerve-wracking was the way I think John put it.  He was right, and these sessions were always long.

One more thing, getting off Sage was just hard and as dangerous as getting on.  If you have ever been on a horse you couldn't get off of, then you know what I'm talking about.  I'd lean over to get off and away Sage would go again.  We used the rodeo pickup-man style of get-off or the just-jump-and-onto-the-fence-to-save-your-life type exit.  On several occasions, we discussed, where Sage could hear us, of course, getting rid of that S.O.B.  Determination got the best of me, however, and I kept on.

Slowly, Sage improved.  First bridling, first circles, first pasture ride - the slow process began to show some progress.  It seemed Sage's job in life was to make everything hard.  I must say, though, he did have natural talent.  Great natural stoops, turns and spins seemed effortless to Sage.  In spite of the long, dark journey, a small light of hope began to break through.  A year and a half came and went, and Sage became quite the item and topic of conversation at the ranch.  Not totally trustworthy, by any means, Sage, in spite of himself, was getting good.

One afternoon one of the new apprentices spoke about Sage being hard-headed, hard-to-handle, ill-tempered and just plain old mean.  Laughingly, Dalene said, "That sounds like Craig." Everyone howled and got a good laugh, but from that moment on Sage became "Craig."

Throughout the training process, I kept Mark Chestnut, my good "friend," abreast of this interesting horse.  We had many good laughs and, needless to say, Mark pleaded innocent of any prior knowledge about Craig at the time of the sale.  He did, however, say he wanted to ride him for a while.

Craig spent a whole year with Mark.  In that time, Mark never sent even one bill. I kept telling him I'd come and pick up Craig, and he'd just laugh and say, "No." I'd ask how the horse was doing and he'd casually comment, "Oh, he's doing okay." I was never sure if he was riding him or what he was doing.  Finally, I insisted that I'd better come and get him. When I got to his ranch, Mark surprised me with an incredible horsemanship demonstration of roping, cutting and reining skills on the outlaw Craig.  What a great job Mark had done! Craig still snorted when approached, and Mark had to admit that he still could not get him shod.  In an unguarded moment, Craig had even bucked off Mark once.  But Craig was the athlete I knew he could be.

I now do colt-breaking, reining, and cutting demonstrations on this amazing horse.  The crowds love him.  Still, he has an unbelievable sense of self-preservation about him.  That's what makes him unique and, in some ways, I think that's what I like about him most.  I always say the toughest horses teach you the most.  It's raw horsemanship and that takes lots of desire, determination and dedication on the part of the horseman.

When last I talked to John Ross, he asked me if Craig was still tough.  I told him, "Yeah, he's still more than a little snorty."


Excerpt from:  RIDE SMART by Craig Cameron with Kathy Swan.  Page 156  & 157.  Published by Western Horseman.  

In This Issue

Craig Cameron Tools of the Trade

Sponsorship Opportunities

Hooves N Irons EXCA Race

AQHA Trail Challenge @ Nationals

EXCA World News

Message From Our New NAB Chairman

EXCA Alliance with the Cowboy Sports Association

National Championship Schedule & News

EXCA Horse Hall of Fame Requirements


Craig Cameron Collection 

CC logo


Click on logo above to take you to Craig's collection. These are the tools & equipment he uses everyday.  They will help you to Ride Smart and achieve success in any discipline you choose. 


Especially Extreme Cowboy Racing!  


Quick Links


EXCA Rule Book

EXCA Schedule of Events

Craig Cameron

EXCA Store 



Visit Our Sponsors

  (click on logos)

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Instant Replay Productions



Roy Frey    

Mounted Shooting logo

Cowboy Sports Assoc Logo






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Become a 2012 SPONSOR


Corporate Sponsorships, Branding, Display & Signage Opportunities.

Visibility for sponsors is offered through web, advertising, printed flyers, signage and race day promotions.

Corporate sponsors are encouraged to take advantage of the various opportunities for exposure.


Contact EXCA

Texas Headquarters


Phone: (254) 728-3082

Fax: (254) 728-3081





Hooves N Irons Extreme Cowboy Race with Craig Cameron


Date: May 26, 2012

Location: CPR Ranch, Dersch Rd

Anderson, CA


"Hot as a Pistal" race commentary by Craig Cameron. An exciting fast paced race against the clock.  

1 Full Go - top 25% up to 10 riders return for a 2nd Go -- per Division (2 round accumulative points) .


  • $1000 Event Guaranteed Cash Payment. All riders of all disciplines welcome.  
  • Buckles to 1st & 2nd 
  • Cash Payout to 3rd place
  • Awards thru 6th place
  • Limited to 50 Riders
  • Spectators welcome $12

Tickets & Entry Info:  530-347-0212  



· $15 per day Youth Quarter Horse Class 

· $20 per day Adult Quarter Horse Class Level 1 - Training Level

· $20 per day Adult Quarter Horse Class Level 3 - Master Level

* Riders must show proof of current AQHA or AQHYA membership and an official registration certificate for each American Quarter Horse competing in any AQHA Trail Challenge Class

* All three classes will compete on Friday and Saturday, each day is a separate event with separate points.

* EXCA membership is not required for the Trail Challenge

* Trail Challenge awards & prizes to be provided by AQHA




Attention EXCA Mustang Owners:  

Earn a Dale Martin High Point Saddle! 


Bring On The Mustangs!

The top yearend point mustang will win a custom Dale Martin Saddle to be presented at the EXCA World Championship.



  • Buckles will be given out to the winners of each go round.
  • Final Run: starts with a clean slate (winner of Final Round takes the title)


Show Committees:

Event Committee: now forming

Sponsorship Committee:

Cece Lamborne Bulkley with 

Evon Kurtz assisting.


 Spectator Passes:

Sponsors and competitors receive two extra passes.



Bill Cameron

Photo by Andrea Kaus



When it comes to trailering a horse, the judge should be looking for willingness to go into the trailer without hesitation (approach). Once in the trailer the horse should stand quietly without turning around and trying to leave (obstacle). The horse should remain in position while the rider closes the door, latches it, and runs to the finish line (departure).

Riding a horse into the trailer is poor horsemanship. I have seen some of the best hands get seriously hurt doing this.     

  - - -     Bill Cameron





The Extreme Cowboy Association is pleased to announce an alliance with The Cowboy Sports Association (CSA). The CSA is a national association which was created to promote and support the sport of Mounted Shooting.  This exciting competition reminds spectators of cowboys of the old west!  Armed with two single action .45 caliber pistols, the competitor speeds through a course designed to test their horsemanship skills and shooting ability - all put together.  While navigating through a course, the rider must shoot at 5 targets with one gun before re-holstering and pulling out their next gun for the last 5 targets.  Scoring is based on speed, accuracy and following the course of fire correctly.  Targets are balloons and ammunition is black powder blanks for safety.  There are levels for competitors based on mounted shooting experience and wins, even entry levels (Cowpoke and Apprentice) for competitors on lead line or anyone just learning to put it all together.  All CSA members are also eligible for a Shooting Horse certification program to gain recognition for their horse in the sport of Mounted Shooting. 

Clubs can affiliate with the CSA for $100 annually and hold CSA sanctioned matches individually or in conjunction with EXCA events.

Offering multiple competitions within your club will bring new members and grow both Extreme Cowboy Competitions and Mounted Shooting Competitions.  For more information on the Cowboy Sports Association visit their website at

CSA Logo 

 click on above logo



 2012 EXCA National Championship



AmeriEquine Festival of the Horse  

June 1-3, 2012 


Here is your chance to perform in front of a huge crowd and walk away with an EXCA National Title. Prizes & Money guaranteed. 

EXCA National Championship to be filmed for use on RFD TV. 


In your down time you can see legendary reiners - Tim McQuay, Tom & Mandy McCutchen, the woman behind Cavalia & her horses - Silvia Zerbini, champion of Dressage - Mari Mondo Zduic, and World Champion Endurance rider - Becky Hart. Don't forget to drop on by and see Emmy Lou Harris and The Riders in the Sky perform live.  


For details on the first AmeriEquine Festival of the Horse visit:


            Cowtown Challenge Extreme Cowboy Association 


National Championship Schedule


Thursday, May 31, 2012 

  • Contestant check-in.   You must present your EXCA Card at the Registration Office.  

Friday, June 1, 2012 (All times subject to change)

  • 7:00 A.M. AQHA Trail Challenge course walk through

  • 7:30 A.M. AQHA Trail Challenge

  • Youth Quarter Horse Class

  • Adult Quarter Horse Class Level 1 - Training Level

  • Adult Quarter Horse Class Level 3 - Master Level

  • AQHA Trail Horse Awards

  • 10:30 A.M.  Course walk through

  • 11:00 A.M.  EXCA National Championship competition begins

    • All Young Guns, Novice, & Non Pro

  • Craig Cameron Extreme Shootout

Saturday, June 2, 2012 (All times subject to change)

  • 7:00 A.M. AQHA Trail Challenge course walk through

  • 7:30 A.M. AQHA Trail Challenge

  • Youth Quarter Horse Class

  • Adult Quarter Horse Class Level 1 - Training Level

  • Adult Quarter Horse Class Level 3 - Master Level

  • AQHA Trail Horse Awards

  • 10:30 A.M.  Course walk through

  • 11:00 A.M.  EXCA National Championship competition begins

      • All Ride Smart, Youth & Pro

  • Craig Cameron Extreme Shootout (A Few Spots Still Available!) 

Sunday, June 3, 2012 (All times subject to change)

  • 11:30 A.M.  Course walk through

  • 12 Noon  EXCA National Championship competition begins

      • Top 50% of the riders in Young Guns, Novice, Non Pro, Ride Smart, Youth, & Pro 

Don't Forget to See Craig Cameron American Horsemanship Demonstrations at the Nationals!  


 EXCA Nationals Location:

 Will Rogers Memorial Center Watt Arena

 3401 West Lancaster Avenue

 Fort Worth, Texas 

  • Filmed for RFD-TV 

  •  Payback in cash and/or prizes based on number of entries

  •  Go Round Buckles to be given out.

  •  National Championship entries close soon. Limited to 75 riders

  •  Qualifying: None

  •  Clean Slate Finals Run

  •  Entry includes 2 Expo passes. RV Hook-ups available.

  • Stalls  available Thurs PM thru Mon AM. 

  • Single World Qualifying Points Earned 

Nationals Online Entry Form


The EXCA Horse Hall of Fame



1. Hall of Fame nominations are to be submitted to the EXCA Board of Directors no later than September 30, of each year. The EXCA Board of Directors will elect horses into the Hall of Fame.

2. Any EXCA member in good standing can submit a nomination for a worthy qualified horse.

3. Nominations should include a listing of the horse's lifetime major career wins and accomplishments. Only EXCA events will be considered when judging a horse's extreme racing career for election into the Hall of Fame.

4. No more than two horses may be inducted into the Hall of Fame in a single calendar year. However it is not mandatory that any horse be inducted into the Hall of Fame in each calendar year

5. The Hall of Fame inductees are to be held to the highest possible standards and only the worthiest should be considered when making nominations. Only the "Best of the Best" should be inducted.

6. Hall of Fame nominations must be submitted with a $10.00 processing and verification fee. All nominations must be submitted on an annual basis. If a horse is not elected a new nomination must be submitted for the next annual election.

7. Inductees are to be permanently registered in the official EXCA Horse Hall of Fame. The horse's owner will receive the EXCA Horse Hall of Fame Plaque.


